
Supermen Meet Girl

Supermen meet Girl Supermen meet girl" is a film registration of the Supermen on 60 different locations. Supermen lost track and influenced by XTC, the drugs of the nineties, they keep on dancing. Supermen appeared dancing on 60 typical Dutch locations in and around Amsterdam. The confrontation

Supermen Meet Girl2022-06-21T13:07:17+00:00


Paren/Couples CouplesTwo couples being filmed while having sex, the most natural action of the human race. Thecamera angel is fixed throughout, showing the couples from a bird's eye view.The couples were free to act out their fantasies, with no direction or choreography. In theinstallation the films were projected on a



Donor Creation of a human being out of a diversity of different bodies 1996 Oil on Canvas 140 x 140cm.



Supermen Photo report about BEIDE KUNSTENAARS dressed up as Superman.The Supermen of the nineties are mixing with alcoholics, drug addicts and homeless people;the lower side of society. August 1994 5 photos 78 x 119 cm


Do You See This… Now You Understand

Do You See This... Now You Understand A photo reportage of Beide Kunstenaars  visiting the galleries ofAmsterdam, ranging from 17th century to contemporary art. Een fotografisch verslag van het bezoek van Beide Kunstenaars aan het galeriewezen in Amsterdam, variërend van 17e- eeuwse kunst

Do You See This… Now You Understand2022-05-26T13:02:57+00:00

Little War

Oorlogje/Little War Photo installation of a fictious war by children.The innocence children have while playing war makes for confronting images. Foto-intallatie van een ‘fictieve’ oorlog door kinderen. De onschuld die kinderen hebben bij het oorlogje spelen veroorzaakt een

Little War2022-05-31T16:33:40+00:00

Because a Car is a Car

Because a Car is a Car The object contains 45 wall-mounted cubes in the shape of a car. Each cube represents a detail of the car and has an image of that detail mounted on its side, front, bottom and top. The 'photo

Because a Car is a Car2022-05-26T13:00:13+00:00

coup de cœur

coup de cœur Two paintings showing the interior of a wine cellar on the Windows of wijn- en delicatessenzaak Pasteuning Deliwijn BV. The fictitious image plays with the voyeurism of the average spectator. You get the illusion to look in a wine

coup de cœur2022-05-24T12:29:15+00:00


Zak/Bag A sculpture for the inmates of the prison in Rotterdam. The inmates can unload their aggres-sion, frustration etc. on this piece of art: a gigantic red boxing bag with the name: BeideKunstenaars, translated as Both Artists. The installation BAG is made to receive one'saggression. A



Verlichting/ Enlightenment 2 Photowalls with a permanent location at the Public Library at Baarn the Netherlands. The narrow frames are giving a cinematic overall picture of a woman with all her awareness and senses in the world of her book. The book that guides


Box 24 self-portraits

Box Fragments of boxing movements were painted on narrowpanels. The person depicted is the artist himslf. The 24 panels are arrranged in asquare facing inwards, so the viewer has to ‘step into the ring’. 1992 Acryl on canvas, mounted on wood. 24 panels, each

Box 24 self-portraits2022-05-26T13:26:51+00:00


Windows Three paintings showing the interior of the reception of Plasman Lawyer office. The fictitious image plays withe the voyeurism of the average spectator. You’re not looking inside but at the image of a painting. 1994 - Three paintings mounted on the slats


The Backwards Car

The Backwards Car The entire interior of the car is reversed. Once seated in the car, the driver can still perform all functions. For the viewer, however, the driver sits in reverse. The usual associations that apply to the unity

The Backwards Car2022-05-29T15:32:30+00:00


Familiegezicht 15 aan elkaar gemonteerde panelen in een frame van 235 x 60 cm. Ieder familielid, vader, moeder en kind is vijf keer geschilderd vanuit verschillende hoeken. Alle vijftien panelen aan elkaar gemonteerd suggereren een beweging over 180 graden van het familiegezicht. Februari 1993 Acryl op



Billboard Painted advertisement on a billboard with the stage name "Both Artist". There is a    telephone number on the painting. This phone number was connected to an answering machine with sounds from a boxing gym. After this, one minute was allowed to respond. October 1991



Roxy Drie aan elkaar gemonteerde schilderijen die een verschillend, van bovenaf gezien, beeld van in extase dansende mensen op een dansvloer geeft. De groepering per schilderij is in scene gezet door de kunstenaar. December 1992 Acryl op linnen 3 aan



Couples The Human urge to form a two unity is reinforced in this painting series by depicting these couples as a unit. De menselijke drang tot het vormen van een paar of een twee-eenheid is in de schilderijen-serie ‘Koppels’ versterkt weergegeven door deze


Man voor Man

Man voor Man Kunstroute Both Artists organization of an art route in Amsterdam. 15 Male Artists give their vision of the male image in the 90s. These works of art were exhibited at the locations where people are engaged in the 'image building' of the man: men's

Man voor Man2022-05-29T15:41:40+00:00


Vroem A white wall in Art Space Witzenhausen Meyerink was labeled with the word 'VROEM...'. A space in the shape of a car has been saved in the middle of the wall June 1992 Black ink on stone wall 400 x 240 cm


About My Work

Phasellus non ante ac dui sagittis volutpat. Curabitur a quam nisl. Nam est elit, congue et quam id, laoreet consequat erat. Aenean porta placerat efficitur. Vestibulum et dictum massa, ac finibus turpis.

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