Web Design Articles2016-01-27T09:39:54+00:00


Donor Creation of a human being out of a diversity of different bodies 1996 Oil on Canvas 140 x 140cm.

Man voor Man

Man voor Man Kunstroute Both Artists organization of an art route in


Vroem A white wall in Art Space Witzenhausen Meyerink was

Box 24 self-portraits

Box Fragments of boxing movements were painted on narrowpanels. The person depicted is the artist himslf. The 24 panels are arrranged in asquare facing inwards, so the viewer has to ‘step into the ring’. 1992 Acryl on canvas, mounted


Windows Three paintings showing the interior of the reception of Plasman Lawyer office. The fictitious image plays withe the voyeurism of the average spectator. You’re not looking inside but at the image of a painting. 1994 - Three

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